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Justin's POV

She must think that I kissed that girl but I didn't I swear. She was a fan that snuck into the party and kissed me at the wrong time. As in when Dani walked in she saw her and kissed me. Some fans are just straight up rude. I just hope she believes me when I tell her what happened. I guess the time to find out is now.

Dani's POV

I was still sat behind the door crying my eyes out. I couldn't believe that he could be so low. It makes it even worse that he has been my idol for so long and could just do that to someone. Also I'm meant to be his girlfriend. Not for much longer. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Dani let me in please?". It's Justin.
"Go away" I reply not letting him in.
"Please baby, it's not what it looks like I promise. Let me explain" he says. What if he's being honest. I sat and thought about it. I guess I could at least let him explain before I dump his ass. I get up slowly and open the door to see Justin. My Justin.

He walks in and shuts the door behind us. I sit on the bed and he sits next to me. We sit in silence until he broke the silence.
"It's not what it looked like I swear" he says looking at me. I turn to face him and say
"It sure looked like you were kissing her". I wipe a year from my face.
"She was a fan Dani. She snuck into the party some how and saw you coming and kissed me. I didn't kiss back I promise" he says. "I'm sorry" he adds.

I thought about what he said. He sounded honest and genuine. Ah what the heck. I grab his face with both my hands and crash our lips together. The kiss lasted a few seconds before we parted. "I'm sorry too" I say. We both smile before moving up the bed. Justin removes his shirt and shoes and I remove my heels and dress not caring that I'm in my underwear. We get under the covers and cuddle into each other. We feel asleep in each other's arms that night while the party continued downstairs.

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