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Dani's POV

I just walked. Walked wherever my feet would take me. But surprisingly I wasn't crying. I was just cold. I crossed my arms over my body to make me feel a bit more warmer. I wish I was back home right now. But I wasn't and it sucked. I wish I could just climb into my warm bed and watch Netflix all day like I used to before I met Justin. When not only your boyfriend but idol cheats on you it's tuff but I wasn't going to let him bring me down. I only spend another week here and I go home. Right back to my old life, with the people I love and the people who love me. I was actually happy that I would be going back to school. Weird I know but oh well.

I kept walking till I started to feel rain drops. Great it's raining. I put up the hood that was attached to my jacket and kept walking. I had no clue where I was going but I wanted to be as far away from Justin as possible. I wonder who that girl was. Justin says she's just a fan but I don't believe him anymore.

I keep walking as I have for the past half an hour when I see a car start to slow down by me. I look to see who it is and it was Justin. I picked up the pace if my walking.
"Dani! Get in the car! It's raining" he shouts out the car window. I just ignored him. It went silent and I thought I had got rid of him until I feel a pair of arms grab my waist and spin me round. I was shocked but I am still mad.
"C'mon. Let me get you in the warm and dry. I will answer any questions you want know when we get home" he says still holding my waist.
"Why should i? You cheated on my Justin. I don't want to see you anymore" I say trying to get out of his grip. Not succeeding.
"Please Dani. Just let me explain" Justin asks me once more. I was starting to get really cold now.
"Fine. But as soon as I go back to England. I never want to see you again" I say getting out his grip and walking to the car. We got in the car and Justin drove back to the house.

The car ride was silent all the way. I just looked out the window watching everything pass by. Half an hour later we were home. As soon as the car stopped I opened the door and went up to the front house. I try to open the door and see that it's locked. Great. I have to wait for Justin to unlock the door. Justin walks up to the front of the house and hands me the key. I snatch it out his hand and unlock the door quickly. I take off my shoes and walk to the living room where I sit on the couch. He shortly follows and sits on the other couch. We stare at each other for a while. I guess he wants me to start the convocation. I guess I will.

"Who is she?" I ask.

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