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Dani's POV *Next Day*

For the last couple of days the paparazzi have been following us round a bit. I mean it isn't annoying me but I didn't know they could be this persistent. Today Justin said he had to be at the studio all day which I understood. I thought I would just stay at the house and watch bad TV programmes and eat junk food. Justin had just left so I took a quick shower and then went into the living room and turned on the massive flat screen TV.

Hours past by and it was not 4pm and Justin still hadn't returned home. I didn't want to worry myself so I thought I would turn on E! News. I put on the channel and noticed they were talking about Justin. I decided to listen to see if they were talking about me. I continued to watch the channel but I really wish I hadn't. I picture of Justin and someone else popped up on the screen. It was a girl. Not just any girl. The girl from the party. The picture showed them.... kissing. I felt tears start to pour out my eyes like a waterfall. I curled up on the couch and just cried.

*40 minutes later* BAD LANGUAGE

I was still curled up on the couch, crying occasionally. I hear the door open and see Justin walk through. He puts his keys on the side and takes his shoes off then looks up and makes eye contact with me. He looks panicked and runs over to me. I sit up quickly and he kneels by me.

"Dani what's wrong?" he says putting his hand on my thigh. I shove his hand off and he looks confused.
"Why did you do that for?" he asks getting up.
"You know why" I say getting upset once again.
"Dani, what did I do?" he says stepping closer to me.
"You were with that girl that's why! And don't fucking play dumb with me!" I say stepping back, away from him.
"What are you on about?" he says still confused.
"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IM ON ABOUT! THE GIRL FROM THE PARTY! I KNOW YOU FUCKING KISSED HER! IT WAS ON TV SO DON'T START LYING SAYING YOU DIDNT BECAUSE I KNOW YOU DID!" I shout getting mad, tears still falling down my face. He didn't say anything he just stood there with his head down.
"You know what. I don't even want to see your face anymore" I say. I put on my shoes and walk out the house. I hear Justin call my name but I ignore him. I don't know where I'm going but anywhere was better than here.

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