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Dani agreed to living with Justin. A few years after being a happy couple Justin decided to take it one step further. He proposed to Dani. She obviously said yes. On the day of their honeymoon they made love to each other. 9 months later they had a beautiful baby girl. They named her Ella Rose. Ella Rose Bieber.

You may be wondering. What happened to the criminal after Dani? Well it was Ana. Yes. She was her best friend. I found out that she was jealous of me and Justin so thought it was smart to follow me here and try to kill me. That obviously didn't work. She is now in jail and isn't getting out anytime soon.

Ella arose grew up to be a singer, just like her father. Justin retired at the age of 43, his singing career wasn't working anymore. As for Dani, she became a very successful doctor. The Bieber family was very talented and they didn't want that to go to waste. Justin and Dani didn't have any more kids after Ella Rose as they thought that they would just like to focus on one child which is understandable.

Justin died at the age of 84 dew to a heart attack in his sleep. The doctors weren't able to save him in time. As for Dani she lived until the age of 90, she died of old age, but died happy. Ella Rose lived her life happily, met a guy, got married, had 3 children and grew old like everyone else.

This was the story of Justin, and his One Less Lonely Girl.


Hey guys!

I hoped you enjoyed this story, it was actually quite fun to write. I'm thinking about making either a new Fanfiction or writing imagines so let me know which you would prefer. But that's it! Please check out my other stories and I will see you soon! Byeeee!xx

~Chloe xoxo

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