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Dani's POV

An Unknown number? Weird. Probably just a fan. I open up the message and cover my mouth with my hand. The message said:
'You're going to pay'
I didn't understand who this was and why I had to pay but I was scared. I decided to call Justin and ask him when he was on his way home. The phone rang 3 times until he picked up.
'Hey baby, what's up?' Justin says.
'Nothing really, just wondered when you were coming home' I reply, my voice still a bit shaky.
'Me and Ryan are just about to leave the studio, I've got to take him home and then I will be home. Is everything okay?' He says.
'Yeah everything is fine, I'll see you in a bit. Love you' I say.
'Love you too' he replies.
With that he hung up. I was worried that someone was watching me. But I had to push it out my mind. The music in the house was still playing so to take my mind of this I sung along. Everyone says I can sing but I don't believe them.
*Later that evening*
I was upstairs still listening to music and playing on my laptop when I hear the door open. Please say it's Justin. I walk to the top of the stairs and see Justin. I smile. Thank god.
"Hey" I say as I walk down the stairs. I eventually reach the bottom and walk over to him.
"Hey" I returns and envelopes me into a hug.
"How was the studio?" I ask unfolding from the hug.
"Good, just working on some music". I nod.
"Anyways, I'm tired. Let's go to bed" he says holding my hand as we walk up the stairs. We finally reach the bedroom and I remove my laptop and phone from the bed. I grab the controller to turn off the music also. We both undress to be left in just our underwear. Not caring anymore about sleeping next to each other I'm out underwear.
We get in bed and I cuddle into his side, letting one of my arms wrap round his torso. He puts his arm around me to hug me tighter. He kisses my forehead and wishes me goodnight. I return the gesture and snuggle into him even more.
I wonder who that message is from.

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