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Dani's POV

Justin was going throw a party tonight, which I guess will be all his friends. Obviously because none of mine live here. I should have told Ana that I was coming here for a couple of weeks, but I was afraid she would get jealous. I will just wait till the time is right. Right now I was getting into my bikini so me and Justin could go for a swim for an hour or so. My bikini was black and white which was in the style of an Aztec pattern. Justin put on his plain white swim shorts and then we went downstairs.

Justin grabbed my hand and we ran back outside, we immediately jumped in the pool and we both swam up the surface, out hands still connected.

"You're such a goofball" I say to him.
"But I'm your goofball right?" he says pecking me on the lips. I nod letting out a little giggle.
"I love it when you giggle. It's cute" he says getting closer to me.
"It's not, it's embarri-" I'm cut off my a pair of lips connecting to mine.

*getting ready for the party*

Me and Justin both had a shower after being in the pool most of the day. I was the last one to have a shower. I got out and dried my body and hair. I then wrapped the towel around my body and blow dried my hair. After it was dry I decided I would curl it because why not? I then did my make up because I wanted to make a good first impression seeing that I've never met any of these people.

After I had styled my hair and finished my make up I put on my dress. It was an all black dress with a bow round the waist. I also put on some ankle socks and then slipped on my black heeled boots and then I exited the bathroom. I saw Justin sat on the bed. He wearing a plain black t-shirt with some black jeans that were a bit baggy and he was also wearing some white jay's and he had his gold chains on as usual. He actually looked pretty good.

When he saw me enter the room his eyes went wide and he stood up and came towards me. He held my hips and kissed my cheek.
"You look beautiful" he says.
"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" I smile.
"Well, my one less lonely girl. Shall we go to join the party? he says putting his arm out like a gentleman.
"It would be my pleasure" I say in a very English accent. I giggle and take his arm and we walk out the room and down to the party.

one less lonely girlWhere stories live. Discover now