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Justin's POV

Dani laid there. Almost lifeless. I still blame this on myself. I'm so stupid. I messaged Ryan to say Dani was in hospital. He said he was with Lexi and Emma and that he would be there right away.

Moments past and all I did was hold her hand and tell her how sorry I was. I then heard footsteps run into the room. I saw Ryan with his arm round Lexi and she cried with a sad Emma beside them. I made eye contact with Ryan and my eyes started to tear up. I stood up and Ryan removed his arm from around Lexi and walked up towards me. I did the same and I hugged him and I cried into his shoulder.

"This is all my fault man" I tell him still sobbing.
"No it's not, don't blame this on yourself" he replies. I couldn't be bothered to argue so I just kept crying with him comforting me. Then it hit me. How am I meant to tell her parents? They are going to hate me after this.

*A few days later*

It has been 3 days since Daniela was put into hospital. I called her parents saying her flight was delayed and she would be staying here for a few more days. They asked to talk to her but I told them she was out with some friends she made.

Ryan, Lexi and Emma came to see her a few times but didn't stay that long. As for me. I haven't left. I'm tired but I'm not going to leave her side. The nurses come in to check on her once every few hours. I just wish she would wake up soon.

Dani's POV

I don't know how long I've been in complete darkened but it seems like a while. I have had to suffer by hearing Justin talking to me about how much he loves me and that he will never leave my side. But the worst part of all of this is that I can't tell him I love him back.

As I was thinking while I hear the beep of my machine at a steady pace I start to see a little while dot. It seemed so close but so far away. Is this my way out? It has to be. With all my strength I tried to push towards the white light. The dot grew as I pushed. It felt like I was getting tired and the light started to disappear once again. I couldn't give up. I just needed to see Justin's face. I pushed as much as I could. I could now start to see the celling of what I gather to be the hospital.

With one last push I feel myself gasp for air and my eyes open fully. I look over to Justin with his eyes wide open.

"DANI! Are you okay? You're finally awake!" He exclaims holing my hand and a few tears rolling down his face.

I am so happy to see him again.

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