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Dani's POV

I had finally finished tidying the whole house. Justin had to go out to the studio so he said I could stay home if I liked. I agreed and went upstairs into the bathroom. I decided to have a bath. I turned on the tap and found some bath bubbles to put in. I poured some in and while I waited for the bath to fill I chose my outfit, from my suitcase. I picked out a simple outfit as I wasn't going anywhere. I chose a plain white crop top with some black high waisted shorts. I also thought I would wear my black and white vans. Obviously I got my underwear too. I laid out my outfit on the bed and then went back into the bathroom. My bath was ready. I turned off the tap. Before I got in I got my phone and put on some music. I put on Justin's album because it always made me feel as if he was with me. I turned up the volume and put it on the side. I then undressed myself and got into the warm bath.

Justin's POV

I didn't have to stay at the studio long so I left the studio after half an hour of being there and got in my car and went home. As usual paparazzi followed but then they usually give up trying to follow me. Ten minutes later I got home and entered the house. It was quiet downstairs so I assumed Dani was upstairs. I walked up them and I could silently hear my song Confident being played. I entered my bedroom, well our bedroom for now and the bathroom door was closed. It was also where to music was coming from. I opened the door to see Dani in the bath. She turns her head and her eyes go wide.

"Justin! What are you doing in here? Get out!" she says trying to cover her body.
"Don't worry, I've seen it all before" I say winking. Pretty proud of that come back if you ask me. She loosens up a bit and then I have an idea.
"Mind if I join you?" I ask smirking.
"I don't mind" she replies rolling her eyes. I shut the door and undress myself, earning a smile from Dani. She is sat one end of the bath so I jump in the other end. She moves over to me and turns round so her back is leant against my chest. We sit there and relax and my album continues to play.
After 20 minutes Dani decides to get out. I stay in the bath so she can get ready first.

Dani's POV

I get out the bath and dry my hair and body with the towel and Justin stays in the bath. I then wrap the towel round my waist and go into the bedroom to get my outfit. After that I go back into the bathroom and change into the outfit. I swear I saw Justin smirk when I was putting on my underwear but whatever. I then dry my hair with the hair dryer and put it in a bun.

Justin then decides to stand up in the bath. He steps out and I throw him a towel. He puts it round his waist and goes out to the bedroom. He is gone five minutes till I hear him call "Dani come here!" I walk into the bedroom and get pinned to the wall and attacked by Justin's lips. The kiss lasts a couple of seconds until we part.

"Maybe you should get dressed" I say.

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