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Dani's POV

I woke up to the brightness of the room. I rubbed my eyes and rolled over to see Justin fast asleep. I rolled over to face him. He smiled, his eyes still closed.
"Morning" he says.
"Morning" I reply kissing his lips gently.
"Good morning kisses are the best" he says chuckling a bit. He opens his eyes and we just stare at each other in silence. I then get up and put on one of Justin's old t-shirts. Justin also gets up. I notice he only has his boxers on now. Since when did he take off his trousers? Oh well. I didn't mind.

We both go downstairs, me leading the way. I get to the bottom of the stairs and stop. The place was a mess. I looked over to the sofa to see Ryan passed out. Typical. I continue walking into the kitchen. Justin goes to wake up Ryan and call for a cab to come pick up while I grab some trash bags and start cleaning up the mess.

*30 minutes later*

I had cleaned up the whole house, with Justin's help half way through. Ryan had gone home also. I decided I wanted to listen to some music. I turned on the stereo and started to jam out to Treat Me Right by Keys N Krates. It liked this song. Justin walks into me cleaning up the last things while dancing and starts smiling.
"What?" I ask him.
"You have some good moves" he laughs.
"Is that meant to be sarcastic?" I ask him.
"No, it's sexy" he says and winks and walks off into the kitchen. This boy is weird but that's why I love him.

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