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Dani's POV

Today I only have 4 days left with Justin. But he has to go to the studio today which sucks. I knew that dating him would be hard so I guess I will just have to deal with it. I woke up to the sound of Justin in the shower. I thought I would go join him. I got out of the bed and stretched quickly. I walked up to the door and opened it. Wait. That's not Ju-

"Dani!" Ryan yells turning round.
"Oh my god! Ryan! Sorry! I thought you were Justin" I say apologising and walked out the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I turn my head round and see Justin stood in the doorway laughing. Shirtless may I add.
" It's not funny" I say.
"It kinda is" he replies walking over to me. He gets to me and embraces me in a hug.
"I thought it was you okay?" I mumble into his chest.
"I know baby, don't worry there will be time for us to take a shower later" he says pulling away from the hug and winking at me.

Ryan came out the bathroom and we looked at each other. This is awkward.
"So Ryan, you and Lexi hit it off pretty well the other day" I say nudging his shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm thinking about taking her on a date soon. But I have no clue where" he says looking down.
"Well I'm not helping you or anything, but she loves theme parks" I smile.
"Thanks Dani" he says laughing.
"No problem" I reply.

Ryan finishes getting ready and him and Justin leave about 10 minutes after. I decided it was time to get ready so picked out my outfit. I chose an Aztec patterned crop top with some white jean shorts. I also got my underwear too of course. I had a shower yesterday and I couldn't be bothered to have one so I didn't shower. I changed into my outfit and the brushed out my bed hair and put it into a fishtail braid. I then put on my normal make up and then I was finished.

*Later in the day*

I got bored seeing that Justin wasn't going to be back for another two hours so I put some music on the speakers which allowed the music to play all around the house. New Thang by Redfoo came on and I just sat on my laptop while looking through my twitter feed. I've noticed I've been gaining a lot of followers lately which is pretty cool. I have about 46k at the moment.

I sat on the bed humming to the tune of the music and surfing the internet when I heard my phone go off. A text message. I pick up my phone off of the side table to see who it was. Probably Justin. But it wasn't Justin. It was an Unknown number.

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