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Dani's POV

Ana text me saying she was waiting by the front entrance. As soon as I came out the building we made eye contact and ran up to each other screaming. We embraced in a hug and then let go.

"Tell me what happened!" She says.

"You're going to be so shocked" I say getting all excited.

"Well? What happened" she said waiting for my answer,

"We.... kissed" I say blushing.

"YOU WHAT?!" Ana says screaming

"We kissed! And it was everything I imagined it to be and more. His lips were so soft and the way he held my waist was just. Ahhh" I say excitedly.

"Dani. What else happened?" She asked.

"He kinda gave me his number" I say.

"Oh my god Daniela, this is the best thing ever. You have to text him when we get home" she says hugging me again.

"Trust me. I will" I say laughing and letting go off the hug.


Ana went back to her house because her mum was annoyed at her for being late home. My mum only dropped her back five minutes late. Over protective parent if you ask me.

When I got up to my room I got in the shower as I stank from screaming and jumping around all day. After I had finished I got into my bed shorts and comfy top and then blow dried my hair because I hate leaving it wet.

I then sat down on my bed and went through all my social media, posting a couple of pictures from tonight. Then I remembered something. Justin's number. I grabbed the piece of paper that I put in my drawer and typed it in and saved it as a contact. What am I supposed to say. I will just say hey. That will be okay right?

To Justin😍💕: Hey Justin

I got a reply immediately.

From Justin 😍💕: Hey Beautiful, I was waiting for you to text me

I blushed.

To Justin 😍💕: So, what are you up to?

From Justin😍💕: Just relaxing in the tour bus. It was the last show today and I have a week to kill before I leave. I would love to see you again 😏

To Justin😍💕: Sure! When were you thinking?

From Justin 😍💕: Tomorrow

I couldn't believe it. I was going to see Justin again.

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