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Dani's POV

Me and Justin arrived at the airport shortly after. I was so happy that I didn't have to leave Justin. I honestly think we have a connection between us. But lately I have been seeing a lot of paparazzi lately but I just try to ignore it.

"That's our plane" Justin says pointing out the window.
"A private jet?!" I say getting all excited.
"Yeah, is that's okay" he asks.
"Yes!" I say hugging him from the side.

We finally get on the plane and buckle up. I sat by the window and Justin sat next to me. He held my hand which I thought was cute. The plane starts up and we take off in no time. We are then told we can take off our seat belts so we did. We took pictures with each other. My favourite picture was when he kissed me on the lips, which honestly I wasn't expecting.

A couple hours past and we still had a few more hours until we land. Justin was already asleep, his head resting on my shoulder. He was still holding my hand. I took a picture of us, but didn't post it on any social media just in case.

*After Flight*

We got off the plane and grabbed our luggage also. We got into a cab where we would be taken to Justin's house. Well mansion should I say. I was pretty lucky to be dating this boy. I wonder if we will last?

About half an hour later we arrived at the house and Justin grabbed my hand and we ran up the steps to the front door. He unlocked the door and the first thing he did was push me again the wall kissing me, shutting the door with his foot. I kissed back instantly, tugging at his hair lightly.
"Jump" he says in between kisses. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist, my hands holding around his neck. He carries me upstairs and the rest of the night was... shall I say. Magical.

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