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Dani's POV

I woke up and it was still pitch black in the room. I turn on my phone and read the time. 2:49am. Great. I look over to Justin to see that he is still fast asleep. He looks so cute when he sleeps. I feel thirsty so I get up quietly and gently, making sure not to wake up Justin. I put on Justin's shirt and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge, trying to decide what I want. As I am deciding I hear a small 'bang' and jump. I look round and see a black figure standing across the hall. My heart rate starts to increase. This isn't real.
I rub my eyes and open them to see nothing. No black figure. I must be imagining things. I grab a water bottle from the fridge quickly and shut the fridge. I walk back out the kitchen and go back up to the bedroom. I get in bed and take a sip of my water before going back to sleep, which was very hard.
*Next day*
Only 3 days left with Justin. How am I meant to enjoy them completely when I'm probably being stalked by some fucker. I turn over to see Justin still asleep. I get up and choose my outfit, as I'm going to have a shower. I picked out my comic book long sleeved crop top with some black leggings. I also thought I would wear my superman necklace. I then got my underwear and went into the bathroom. I put my outfit on the side and undressed myself from my sleepwear.
I turned on the shower and start to wash my hair. I wash my hair and while I rinse all the shampoo out my hair I hear the door open. I rub my eyes to make sure no water goes in my eyes when I open them. I open my eyes to see Justin getting undressed. He smirks at my and steps in the shower joining me.
"It saves water right?" He winks.
"You don't need to worry about the water bill, I think you've got enough money to pay for the whole country's water bills" I giggle.
"Well I could just get out" he says starting to turn around. I didn't want him to leave so I grab his arm and pull him in to kiss me. Our lips crash together and the kiss lasts about a minute before we pull away. He smiles at me and leans in to my neck, but instead of his lips touching my skin he pulls away and has a shampoo bottle in him hand. I laugh. He puts the shampoo in my hand and tells me to wash his hair. As I wash his hair he holds my hips and kisses my neck. I try not to stop washing hair but I failed. I pulled him away from my neck and crashed our lips together once again. He pulls away and smiles before leaning back into the kiss.

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