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Justin's POV

Dani was finally awake and I haven't been this happy in my life, ever! We were lead in her hospital bed waiting for a doctor to come into the room.

"So Dani, what happened? Why did you crash?" I ask her facing her and stroking her cheek with my hand.
"I'd rather not talk about it" she says with sadness in her voice and turning away. I turn her head back to face me but gently so I didn't cause anymore pain to her.
"Dani, talk to me" I ask her.
"I think.... someone is after me" she says starting to cry. I am shocked and pull her into me, hugging her tight.
"Don't worry baby, nobody will hurt you. Nobody" I say as I continue to comfort her.

*2 days later *

Dani was able to leave the hospital today. I signed some papers for her because I am the one looking after her obviously. We got a taxi back to my place. She had crutches obviously. It pained me to see her like this.

We got into the house and I told her she should go lay on the sofa. She did as I said and turned on the TV. I went into the kitchen to make her a drink. As I did I was thinking about what she told me. Someone is after her? I wanted to know more but I didn't know how to ask her. But I have more than just that to ask her.


Hey guys!

Sorry that I haven't been updating much, and also sorry for the small chapter. I have been so busy with school I just don't have as much time but I'm going to try and make more time to update.

Hope you guys understand, Thanks

~Chloe xoxo

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