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Dani's POV

Justin left later that day and said he would come back later to take me to "the secret". I wonder what it is but I can't wait. It was not 3:00pm and Justin was conning at 4:30pm to pick me up. My mum was now home, finally. She's never really home which is kinda sad seeing that she is my favourite person in the world, well maybe her and Justin are tied. I decided to go get ready.

I got in the shower and washed my hair and body. I then shaved my legs and then got out. I dried myself and hair with the towel and then got dressed. Just said to dress casual so that's what I did. (outfit at side). I then dried my hair with the blow-drier and then curled the ends of my hair.

I then grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket and went downstairs into the kitchen and waited for Justin.


The doorbell rang and I rushed to the door. I opened it to find Justin holding a bunch of roses and a envelope. I wonder what's inside?

"Hey" I say hugging him
"Hey Beautiful" he replies like he usually greets me. He releases from the hug and hands me the flowers and envelope.
"What's in the envelope?" I say smiling.
"Just open it and find out" she says smirking. I put the flowers inside and then go back to the doorway where Justin is stood. I open up the envelope and amazed by what I see. 2 tickets to LA... for tonight.

"Justin?" I say looking up at him confused.
"Yes babe?" he smiles.
"What is this for?" I say.
"Want to come to LA with me?" I smirks.
"Wait. what? You mean I don't have to see you leave?" I say tearing up.
"Nope" he says opening his arms. I run into his arms and I embrace him. We hug for a good fee minutes until I pull away.
"Wait, I haven't even packed and we have to be at the airport in an hour" I say rushing my words. Then I get a tap on the shoulder. I look round to see my mum.
"Already done for you" she says handing me my suitcase. I hug her, tears slowly rolling down my cheeks. I then pull away from the hug and turn back to Justin who is smiling. I run up to him and kissing him full force. The kiss lasts a few seconds and then we pull away.

"Let's go to LA" he says.

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