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Dani's POV *Flashback*

As we kissed he lead me down on the bed, not breaking the kiss. As we made out we travelled further and further up the bed. Justin moved away from my lips and started to kiss down my jawline, moving to my neck. I quietly moaned.
He made his way back up to my lips, kissing me more harder but it felt so passionate. I tugged at the end of his shirt, eventually taking it off. He then did the same to me. He then began to take off my shorts. He eventually succeeded and then it was my turn to remove his jeans. I unbuckled his belt and slid them off him. We went back to making out, me feeling his abs whenever I had the chance. Which made him smirk slightly. He then started to take off my underwear and I did the same to him.
"Are you sure about this?" He says breaking the kiss and looking at me directly in the eyes. I nod and he continues to kiss me. He eventually enters me and I moan his name multiple times. The night carried on and eventually left us led on my bed under the covers, just cuddling.

*end of flashback*

Justin's POV

I woke up next to Dani sleeping. I had my arm round her waist and her head was tucked into my neck. I kiss her forehead and her eyes eventually flutter open.

"Morning beautiful" I say, my morning voice still not completely gone.
"Morning" she lays yawning slightly.
"Did you enjoy last night?" I say smirking. She nods smiling.

I get up, still naked, putting on my boxers. I then lie back down in bed next to her. She pecked me on the lips and then for up and put on her underwear and my shirt.

"You look cute in my shirt, you should wear it more often when we were together. But don't get me wrong, you would look better without it" I say winking. She throws a pillow at me and says "stop being such a perv" and giggles. She lies ontop of me and asks

"What's the plan for today?" she says, sounding a bit upset.
"What's up?" I say, noticing a tear role down her face.
"Nothing" she says wiping the year away.
"Babe, I know there I something wrong. Just tell me" I say holding her hips gently.
"I just don't want you to leave" by this point tears were streaming from her eyes, also hearing a few sobs here and there.
"Awh, baby. Don't worry. We will skype, call and text everyday I promise. I will come visit you and bring flowers. I will never forget you are mine" I say kissing her forehead. She nods and wipes her tears.
"And the answer to your question is. It's a secret"

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