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Justin's POV

As soon as I heard that Dani had been rushed to hospital I grabbed my keys and ran out the door.

I drove to the hospital, tears rolling down my face. How could this happen to her? This is all my fault. She wouldn't be in there if I stopped her from going to the grocery store. I hit my steering wheel as I continued to drive to the hospital.

I eventually got there and ran into the building. I found my way to the front desk. "Daniela Balbi! Where is she?" I say gasping for air as I was crying and put of breathe from running so much. The receptionist hesitated to tell me which room she was in, but she must have seen me in so much pain and told me to go to room 259.

I ran to the elevator and pressed the button. It was taking so long so I decided to take the stairs. I sprinted up them and when I got to the right floor I looked for her room, walking very quickly.

I eventually saw her room number on the top of the door and went to enter it. I halted. I was stood at the doorway, with my hands tangled in my hair and tears pouring down my face. She was in her hospital bed. Not conscious. She had bruises all over her face and a cast on her left arm.

I approached the bed slowly and sat in the chair beside it. I held her small hand into both of my hands and kissed her hand. I then rested my head on her legs and cried. Cried for her to wake up.

Dani's POV

I laid there. All I could see is blackness. Why can't I open my eyes. My heart started to beat uncontrollably. I could hear a beeping sound. Where was I? I could hear the loud sobs, of someone who I couldn't make out. I then hear them call for a nurse. I then realised who it was. Justin.

I hear footsteps rushing in, still hearing light sobs if Justin. The nurses must have done something right because my heart rate slowed down and I felt relaxed again.

I hear the same footsteps leave again. The room fell silent and I all I could hear was my unsteady breathing. Then the familiar voice says something that makes me want to cry.

"I will be here with you until the end Dani. The very end" he sobs but continues. "You're my One Less Lonely Girl. You have to wake up. Stay strong" he then starts crying horrendously.

Wake up Dani.

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