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Dani's POV

Justin finally got dressed and we decided we were going to just chill all day. I then had the most amazing idea.
"Let's make cookies!" I shout. Justin covers his ears laughing.
"I'm guessing you want to make cookies" he laughs removing his hands from his ears. I nod my head. He smiles and grabs my hand and we run downstairs to the kitchen. We both get everything we need to make cookies. Who knew Justin Bieber would want to make cookies. He's such a softie.

We start to make the cookies but then I feel something hit me. I look at myself to see I have flour all over me. I turn to Justin who is laughing so hard. That's it. I grab the flour bag and run over to him, pretending to trip and pouring it all over him.
"Two can play at that game" I say smirking. I then feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I carry on making the cookies, making sure I don't give him the attention he wants. He starts kissing my neck, but I don't give in.
"Justin will you stop it I'm trying to make the cookies" I lie. I really wanted him right now.

He removes his arms and walks out the kitchen. I start to feel bad. I walk out the kitchen, not seeing Justin anywhere. All of a sudden I feel something crack on my head. He just cracked an egg on my head. He hear him laugh. I know what will make him sorry. I storm off upstairs into the bathroom. I lock myself in there pretending to be upset with him.

*10 minutes later*

I hear Justin come into the room. He goes up against the other side of the door.
"Dani I'm sorry. Please come out" he says. I felt bad but I have to get him back. I get a glass of water and stand by the door. I unlock it and quickly open the door, pouring the water all over Justin. I start laughing and a smirk appears on his face. He grabs my wrists and pins me to the wall. He kisses me aggressively and then parts.

"Don't do that again or I will have to punish you" he says. I bite my lip. Damn he was such a turn on.

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