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Justin's POV

Dani looked amazing in the music video. I honestly couldn't have chose anyone better. We filmed the next few scenes and lets just say that there were more kissing scenes involved. I'm not complaining trust me. After a few more hours re-filming scenes over and over again we were done and we were driving back to Dani's house to drop her off.

Dani's POV

We were back in Justin's car and we were listening to some song which I had never heard before. But Justin seemed to know the words. He kept one hand on the wheel while the other rested on my thigh. Which I didn't mind.

After about 15 minutes we arrived at my house. My mum's car wasn't on the driveway. She must be at work as per usual. Justin got out the car and opened the door for me and then walked me to the door. I unlocked the door and stepped inside while he leant against the door frame.

"I had a good time today" I say smiling, blushing a little.

"Me too" he says smirking.

"We will have to do something another time before you leave" I say looking a bit disappointed.

"Yeah, we will" he says also sounding a little disappointed.

"Well, thank you for today" I say hugging him. He hugs back. We pull away from the hug and look at each other.

"It was my pleasure" he says winking. I giggle.

"I'll taki to you on the phone later" he says smirking once again. I nod and mumble.

"I'd like to faki you in bed later" I say trying not to let him hear.

"What did you say?" he asked.

"Nothing" I say blushing. He walks closer to me and whispers in my ear

"Anytime, any place. Beautiful" he says and walks to his car.

I shut the door and slid down the wall and put my head in my hands, embarrassed. I'm such a idiot.

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