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Dani's POV

When I got back stage I was told to get out by some guy and I said that Justin told me to get back here and then they told me to go to his dressing room. OMG I'm going to go in Justin Bieber's dressing room. Stay calm Daniela. When I got into his dressing room I say down the the couch there and text Ana.

(D = Daniela and A =Ana)

D: I'm in Justin's dressing room!! I will meet you at the end of the concert! Have fun!

A: OMG girl 😭 You're so lucky! Have fun too and I will see you later!

D: Okay 😊

I put my phone in my pocket and wait for the concert to end. I wonder what will happen. I just really hope this isn't a dream.

*End Of Concert*

The concert had just ended and I was waiting to see what was going to happen. I scroll through twitter when I hear the the door open. Justin walks in and smiles.

"Hey Beautiful" he says and winks at me. He walks to the mirror and takes of his headset and his shirt. Damn. His abs are better in person. Hold yourself together.

He sits down next to me and holds my hands.

"What's your name?" He says smiling.

"Daniela. Daniela Balbi. But you can call me Dani" I say blushing.

"Well Dani, I think you are very pretty. How old are you?" he asks me.

"17, only two years off you" (I know he's 20 but he's going to be 19 in this) what a stupid thing to say dani. I sound like such a fangirl.

"Well you won't mind if I do this" he says and leans in. I also lean in and our lips collide. Fireworks went off and it was the most magical thing that could ever happen. The kiss lasts another minute or so and we pull away. I blush and so does he.

"Well I have to go, but you have my number so text me some time" he says and shows me to the door.

"Thank you" I say and hug him tightly and be hugs me back. He smiles and shuts his door. I turn round and run to go find Ana.

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