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Dani's POV

I agreed to meet Justin tomorrow. To be honest I couldn't wait to see him. He was just so perfect and cute. I wonder what we will do. I decided I should go to sleep and wait for tomorrow to come. I got under the covers, turned my lamp off and then went to bed.

Justin's POV

I was happy that I would be able to see Dani tomorrow. She is an amazing girl even though I barely know anything about her but that will all change tomorrow. I was also excited to tell her some good news. I hope she agrees to it. Otherwise I don't know what I will do.

Dani's POV *Next Day*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I thought I turned that off. I stretched and sat up in my bed. I looked at the time. 9:00am. Great. I still have 3 hours until I see Justin. I guess I will just have to get ready extra slow.

I went to the bathroom and did my business and then got out of my bed wear and got in the shower. I washed my hair and body and just enjoyed the warm water the shower provided.

I then got out and got into my outfit which was casual but I also looked good in. Plus it was hot outside today I. London. (Outfit At The Side). I then dried my hair and straightened it. I then put a burgundy bandana on to match my top.

I got out the bathroom and lied on my bed and scrolled through my phone. I then hear a car horn outside. I jumped up and looked at the window. Justin was outside. I know what you might be thinking. How does he know my address? I gave it to have don't worry. I grabbed my shoes and ran downstairs and out the door. Justin was leant against his car which was pretty hot to be honest.

He greeted my with a hug and said "Hey Beautiful" as always. Which always made me feel special.

"Hey" I say blushing. He always made me blush. He opened the car door for me and I got in thanking him. He shut the door as I got my seatbelt on and then he got in the drivers seat and then we sped off down the road. I wonder where he is taking me?

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