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Justin's POV *Next Day*

Today me and Dani just hung out cuddling, maybe a bit of making out and just watching Netflix. It was honestly so nice to just be with her and not have to worry about my career. I wish I could do this more often. I don't know what I'm going to do when she goes back to the UK. I need to think of something. And fast.
Dani's POV
Me and Justin were just lead on his bed chilling and talking about random shit only we would find funny.
"You know I love you right?" Justin says turning to face me.
"Yeah" I say "But you know I love you more right?" I say smiling.
"Nah, I doubt it" he says grabbing hold of me and rolling into his back which made me lie on top of him.
"What's going to happen when I have to go back?" I say looking down.
"I don't know. But hey! Don't think about that we still have 5 days to enjoy ourselves" he replies kissing my forehead.
"I just don't want to leave you" I say, with a tear rolling down my face.
"Hey! Don't cry! It will be fine I promise" he says cradling me.
I nod and snuggle into his chest as I now lay beside him. We just led there cuddling and just enjoying each other's company like we did all day. I honestly will miss this when I go back to the UK. But the only thing is I don't know when I will be coming here. For all I know I could never see him again and he could find someone else that he loves more than he ever loved me.
I tried to stop thinking about what would happen when I leave and it was literally tearing me apart. I felt tears flow down my cheeks but I tried not to make any noise so Justin wouldn't notice.
I finally stopped thinking about it and drifted off into a deep sleep. Tomorrow I will only have 4 days left. Lets just make the most of it.


Sorry for the short chapter, it will get better soon I promise!

~Chloe xoxo

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