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Dani's POV

We get downstairs and there are loads of people here. Justin must know loads of people. All the guys were dressed similar to Justin, and most of the girls were dressed... lets just say. Slutty. I mean yeah I had a dress on but at least it didn't show half my ass.

Justin kisses me on the cheek and says "I'm gunna go get us a drink". I nod and make my way over to the kitchen where I saw a couple of girls who didn't look like they wanted a guy in their pants tonight.

I walked over to them and thought I would make convosation.
"Hey, I'm Daniela." I say smiling.
"Hey! I'm Lexi and this is Emma" she says hugging me then pointing to her friend.
"Nice to meet you guys" I smile once again.
"You're Justin's girlfriend right?" Emma asks me.
"Yeah I am" I reply. Then I remember that Justin went to go get us drinks about 15 minutes ago.
"Speaking of Justin. Have you guys seen him?". They shake their heads no.
"I'll be right back. I'm gunna go see where he is" I say and they nod and start talking again.

I first go over to the drinks table to see that he isn't there. What the hell? I decide to go look outside to see if he was talking to anyone out there. When I get outside there is still no sight of Justin. I head back inside and decide to go where everyone is dancing. I walk into the massive room to see couples dancing and making out. Okay. Lets just find Justin and then I can get out of here.

I push trough the crowd of people until I find Justin... with another girl. He is kissing her and she is kissing back.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shout out and he pulls away from the girl to look at me. Tears start to pour out my eyes.
"Dani, it's not what it looks like plea-" I cut him off by running away. I could hear him call my name but I ignored him. I ran past the kitchen and someone grabs hold of my arm.

"Dani what's wrong?" I hear Lexi say. I shrug off her hand and say "I don't wanna talk about it" and run off and go up the stairs into the bedroom. I shut and lock the door. I slid down the wall and start to cry. A lot.

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