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This is the last chapter, there will be an epilogue after this so don't worry everything will be covered then.

Dani's POV

For the next couple of days I spent my time on Justin's couch, watching Netflix and eating whatever I wanted. Justin has been acting differently ever since I was released from the hospital but I didn't want to ask him why. At the moment Justin is at the studio, producing music. He has been for the past couple of weeks, but I don't like to talk about it because it upsets me. It's like I came here with him to be with him, but he is always somewhere else. Oh well.

It's 2pm and Justin should be back soon. He text me an hour or so ago saying he needed to talk. That's never a good sign.

*2 hours later*

I hear Justin walk through the door and I sit up, pausing the movie that was on the giant TV. He takes off his shoes and walks into the living room, where I am. He leans over the back of the sofa and pecks me on the lips before going to sit on the couch opposite me.

"How was your day?" I ask him.
"It was okay" he says looking down.
"What's wrong?" I question him, sitting up slightly.
"Everything" he tells me looking up.
"What do you mean?" I reply.
"I mean that my life is just messed up. I brought you here to be with you and I have been doing everything but that. My career always gets in the way of everything. I just wish that I could spend more time with you before you leave" he says, quietly.
"Justin. It's honestly okay. We knew this was going to be tuff because of your career. But I told myself we would get through it, and we have" I say.

He nods. We sat in silence. He looked like he was thinking, like something was bothering him. He finally looked up at me, like he was getting ready to say something.

"Dani?" He says.
"Yeah?" I reply.

"I want you to live here with me in America. Forever"

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