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Dani's POV

"Justin, where are we going" I ask.

"It's a surprise" he says smiling.

I just sit there quietly while the music of the car radio is quietly playing. I heard Break The Rules by Charli XCX come on and I nearly had a heart attack.

"Can you turn it up please" I ask him. He agrees and turns up the volume and I start singing along and dancing in my seat. As Justin drives he taps his fingers to the beat on the car wheel.

When the song ends I chill and sit back down in my seat calmly and Justin turns down the radio again.

"Dani, how do you feel about being in my music video?" He says as we pull up to a building. I nearly chock on air.

"Are you being serious?" I ask getting really excited.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want anyone else to be in it than my OLLG" he says smirking. He starts parking the car.

"Omg, of course I will" I say as I kiss him on the cheek. I thought I saw him blush a little. Cute.

Justin parks the car and we get out. He holds out his had and I hold on to it and we walk into the building. I guess this is where we are shooting. I looks like it hasn't been used in years. If there are any spiders I'm out.

We enter the building to see cameras everywhere and make up artists and clothing designers walking all round the place. I've always wanted to know what it was like working with Justin on set.

"Let's go introduce you to my manager" he says and takes me over to a man who is in the nicest suit you could ever see. I don't understand why you would wear such a nice suit in a dirty old abandoned building but whatever floats his boat.

"Hey dude, this is Dani. You asked me to find a girl to be in the video. And I've found her" he says smirking at me not letting go of my hand.

"Hello Dani, I'm Justin's manager. But you can call me Scooter. Shall we get you into your clothes?" He asks and I nod.

A lady comes over to me and takes my hand gently and leads me to the dressing area and I looked back at Justin and smiled. This was going to be so fun.

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