No worries!

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"I'm SO sorry!"
His beautiful brown eyes looked right into mine..
We loose eye contact as he gets down and reaches for my phone.
"No worries!" He says as he smiles.
I feel my knees start to week and my heart melts as he smiles right into my eyes..
The text signal from my phone destroyed the moment. 'Another text from mom. Ugh'
"Yn hows in going?"
"Thank you" is all my mouth manages to get thought"
"Your welcome" he smiles back
'Aaawhhhh how is he so cute?!'
"I'm so sorry I have to get going. My sister is waiting for me:/" he says.
"Oh ok.." I say as he walks away. I grab the seasoning and go to the cereal isles when I'm already there. I grab a packet of chocolate cereals. 'Yum'
As I'm about to put those back when I realized how much sugar it was in it. I say him on the other side of the shelf. He had just picked something from the other side so there was a hole through the shelf.
I look at his sweet face as he turns against me. I look away and pretend like nothing
"Oh hi again!" He laughs
I look at him and try to look surprised as he says:
"Are we just gonna pretend I didn't see that?" He laughs again.
'Fuck. NOO' was running through my head
He laughs again. "Soo uhm. I regretted not asking you over there but. Can I get your number?"
'OMG he literally just asked for my number!!'
"Of course" you reply
He walked around the shelf and stood just a few inches away from you as he held out his phone so that you could write your number in it. You also wrote 'from Yn. Xoxo'
You said goodbye and you finally got home as you got a text from a unknown number

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