U cute

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When I woke up Payton wasn't there. Again. I sighed as I took my phone and checked social medias. That was until I heard someone walking in the hallway. He opened the door and served me breakfast. He took my tv remote and opened Netflix. The only light source in my room was my tv. My curtains was covering my entire window so it was plain black.
"I've thought about it. And I think we should stay here all day. And watch some movies" he said.
"I would really like that. I need it" I replied
We started to eat and watch tall girl. It was actually really good.
After maybe like 4 hours of Netflix I said
"I want to get food"
"I could order some McDonald's" Payton said
"Yes please"
He ordered and the food got here really quick. The day was really nothing exciting. We stayed inside the whole day and watched movies.
I could feel my eyes getting heavy and before I knew it I was asleep. I woke up next to Payton. When I opened my eyes he shut his.
"Watcha looking at?" I said.
"I cute"
"Huh?" I said
"Yeah. U cute" he said and blushed
"I cute too"

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