Meet the boys

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The rest of the night was really special but nothing epic happened. When we got him Payton said this
"If it's okay we are meeting up w the boys today, they wanna meet you"
"Oh. Wow. I'm so awkward when it comes to meeting new ppl..." I said
"Noo. I'm sure it will go fine!" Payton answered. I just laughed and went up to my room to change. I put on this

"Are you ready?!!" Payton yelled"Yeah, coming" I yelled backWe got in the var and i startled getting really nervous

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"Are you ready?!!" Payton yelled
"Yeah, coming" I yelled back
We got in the var and i startled getting really nervous. What if they hate me..
"Ouch!" Payton said
I realized that I had pinched his hand without noticing.
"Oh. I'm so sorry Payton. I'm just nervous." I said
"Relax princess. It'll be okay!" He replied
He is really the most caring boy in the world. I don't know what I have ever done to deserve him..
"We're here" Payton says
We had driven to some dude named Josh's place.
We got out of the car and started knocking on the door. Then a kid with really big dimples opened.
"Yoooooo wassup bro!" He said to Payton and they did some sort of hand dance.
"I'm Anthony. You must be the girl called "princess" Payton is talking abt all the time, it's nice to finally meet you." He said
"Oh well it's nice to meet you too"
We got in and Payton jumped on some dude that apparently was Josh.

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