I mean. If youre cool with it

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I woke up at 7.30 am and got up to take a shower and then put on a cute outfit. Comfy and cute..
When I was done I walked downstairs to make pancakes. Payton was supposed to be here in one and a half hour. I made pancakes and got some strawberries from the fridge. When I was about to eat the first bite someone knocked on my door. I walked over to the door and opened..
Payton: Hi. Uhm. I'm sorry I'm early but I just couldn't wait to see you..
Me: haha it's okay. Come one in. Have you eaten breakfast yet?
Payton: no. I actually hurried here so I skipped the breakfast.
Me: perfect because I won't be able to eat all these pancakes all by myself.
He just smiled and we placed ourselves to the table.
Payton: these are probably the yummiest pancakes I've ever had!
Me: well thank you. Fun story. When I was in 5th grade. I was supposed to make a cake. I left the batter in the fridge because it said so in the recipe. As always I added som few secret ingredients in my "cake". My mom thought I had made a pancake batter and decided to be "nice" and cook the "pancakes" for me. So they actually tasted delicious.
Payton laughed and we ate up all the pancakes.
Payton: SO. There's this Halloween show on Netflix I really wanna see. It's called "the curious creations of Christine McConnel" it's supposed to be SOOO good
Me: YEAH! I've heard of it too. Let's watch it!
We kinda had a marathon and after 176 minutes the show was over.
Me: soooo I was thinking. Maybe you would wanna sleep over tonight as well?
Payton: yes of course! I mean. If you're cool with it.
I just made nodded and laughed.

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