Nails and Dresses

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School continued as usual until lunch, we decided to go to McDonald's because I was craving it again.
"Bonnie do u wanna come?" Payton said
"Yeah sure why not, but let me pay this time
tho" she laughed
We drove to McDonald's and when we walked in we saw Ashley, Brittany and Hanna, the classic mean girls trio. Ugh.
I just ignored her and we ordered our food, "I'll wait here and you two can go get a table" Bonnie said
Payton and I found a table in the corner and sat down.
Bonnie came with the food and it smelled delicious.
"I have to go to the ladies" I said and walked away. When I came to the toilets Ashley stood there
"Ugh" I said and walked past her.
When I came back to the table Payton had almost finished his food
"Don't look at me I told him to wait for you" Bonnie said and Payton just laughed.
"I'm starving so sit down and let's eat" Bonnie said laughing.
When all of us were done we decided to go back to school since our math class started in 20 minutes. Then I got a message from one of my friends in French class, the school is cancelled for 3 weeks due to RATS.
"WTF LOOK. SCHOOL IS CANCELLED FOR 3 WEEKS" I almost yelled in the car
"WHAT?" Bonnie screamed too
"That means we can go to Nessa and Josh's party tonight" Payton said
"Yeyyy" Me and Bonnie said
"BUT WAIT, what about prom?" Bonnie said
"It's not in the same place, so it's fine" I replied
"Pheww" Bonnie let out.
"We have to go dress shopping before the party. Payton can you drop us off at studio minc?" I said
"Of course love princess"
"And I'll buy you a bow tie at the same time to match the dress" I said
"Well, fine then. But at least tell me the color of the dress for the corsage" he said
"Of course love" I laughed
He dropped us off and we started looking at dressed. We almost immediately found the dresses we wanted

 We almost immediately found the dresses we wanted

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This is my dress^

This is bonnies dress^

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This is bonnies dress^

And I bought this bow tie for Payton"Do you wanna do the nails now?" I said"Better do it now then later" Bonnie winkedWe found a nearby salon that had four stars and showed them the nails we wanted

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And I bought this bow tie for Payton
"Do you wanna do the nails now?" I said
"Better do it now then later" Bonnie winked
We found a nearby salon that had four stars and showed them the nails we wanted.
We actually had a really great time just sitting there and talking, catching up from Disneyland.
"You wanna know something?" Bonnie said
"Yeah tell me"
"Josh actually asked me to prom"
"Well I just wanted to find a good opportunity to tell you. It wasn't something big. He put a cute poem in my locker and then came and asked me" (again not josh Richards, Josh in ur school who Bonnie has been crushing on since 6th grade)
Then I got a message from Payton
"Hey what color is your dress?❤️"
"It's grey❤️"
We just continued to talk until our nails were done

 He put a cute poem in my locker and then came and asked me" (again not josh Richards, Josh in ur school who Bonnie has been crushing on since 6th grade)"AW IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU"Then I got a message from Payton "Hey what color is your dress?❤️" "It...

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These are my nails^

And these are Bonnies nails^

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And these are Bonnies nails^

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