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We got to McDonald's and ordered 10 cheesburgers (literally starving) and three big cokes and some fries. We still had two hours to kill before our first class started sooo we decided to sit in the backseat of the car and watch a movie with food:)
"I'm paying today" Payton said
"Ugh okay. But next time I do!" I laughed
"I love you princess" he said nicely
"I love you too charming" I laughed
We got our food and drive to Bonnies house and picked her up.
"BITCH I MISSED YOU!" Bonnie said as soon as she got in to the car
"I missed you too boo"
"I feel like I'm getting replaced" Payton said silent
"BOO NOOO. I love you" I said
I sat in the middle seat with Payton and Bonnie on each side. We watched after and ate our McDonald's. Payton weren't very hungry and only ate 2 burgers and some fries but Bonnie and I ate FOUR cheeseburgers and lots of fries. AND NOT to mention the COKE. I guess I was still hungry from the Tripp. I think Payton is catching a cold though.
Payton kissed me on my cheeks and then softly on my lips, I kissed him back and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Hey I'm here too. So don't snuggle up and leave me here all alone" Bonnie laughed to her own joke
"It's okay tho, keep doing whatever you're doing"
When we had ate all food we still had 1 hour and 10 minutes to call so we decided to go and buy some cute stuff for our lockers and clean them before class started, Payton didn't wanna decorate his tho:((

 So don't snuggle up and leave me here all alone" Bonnie laughed to her own joke"It's okay tho, keep doing whatever you're doing" When we had ate all food we still had 1 hour and 10 minutes to call so we decided to go and buy some cute stuff for o...

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Quick skip Bonnies locker looked like this^

Quick skip Bonnies locker looked like this^

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And mine looked like this^

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