What are you doing here?

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Its the day after and Payton and i have already gotten our costumes done.
"Soo. The party starts in 1 hour so I would like to get ready now." I say.
"Agree" Payton replies.
I go upstairs to change. I have a basic white dress with a sparkly circle on top of my head, if it ain't obvious I am an angel. I put on some makeup, lashes, some foundation and white eyeshadow. I put on some white basic high heels and curl my hair. I go downstairs to see Payton looking all dressed up
He's wearing some black suit-pants and a red shirt. On top of his head he has two devil horns.
"I didnt know Satan was so good looking " I say
"And I didn't know angels really looked like angels."
We both laugh and blush. We walk out of my front door and walk to the Uber Payton ordered. The car trip only takes about 10 minutes so we were there pretty quick.
From distance we can hear the music so loud. But also people shouting and the smell of alcohol and sweat. We walk in and I just got this really nervous feeling. I've never been to a party. What if I'll do something wrong? I don't know how to dance? What if I get drunk or get lost or something?
"Yn. YN." I hear Payton as I snap back to reality. "Are you okay?" He continues
"I- I think I have to get some air" I say.
"Follow me" he says.
We manage to walk outside through the crowd of the people and we sit down by the pool. It was very quiet there. Almost everyone was inside.
"Did something happen?" Payton starts
"Well. Tbh I've never really been to a party before. "
"Oh. That's why. I get it. I was nervous to my first time. Listen up. I'll get u a drink and we'll talk okay? "
I nod. He stands up and walks away to get a drink.
It's been 6 minutes since he left so I stand up to go and look for him. As I walk inside I see a crowd standing in a circle and I hear loud shouting
"what do you want?!" I hear someone shout. I walk through the crowd and see Payton and my ex, Michael.
"I want to get back with Yn if that is a problem" Michael says
"Yeah that is a problem. You cheated on her. And in matter of fact we're dating" Payton said
Michael looked down and walked away looking all sad.
I walk up to Payton and he scratch his neck.
"I suppose you heard that" he says
"Yeah. Duh." I say blushing "but you totally just said that to get rid of him right?"
"Yeah. Sure" he smiles

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