You are so pretty

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*at the tivoli*
"You have a really pretty outfit on." Payton said. I started blushing
"Awww. Thank you. That's some pretty handsome outfit too"
He started blushing too
"Hey, wanna grab something to eat?" He said.
"Yeah! There's tacos over there."
"YUM!" He said and we started walking towards tacos.
"This was the best tacos I've ever had!" He said.
I just nodded and kept eating. Payton are his food so quick.
After the lunch we decided to go to the Ferris wheel. It was kinda cold so we sat really close to each other. Then when we were at the highest point it stopped. And Payton started looking at me.
"What?" I giggled
"Nothing." He blushed and looked away.
Later that day when Payton drove me home. I got a message when I walked inside my house.
"I already miss you. We have to hang out tomorrow too"
"Yes of course! Come to my house at 10am"
"Deal" he said
I couldn't stop thinking about for the whole night. Wait.. am I starting to catch feelings for him?

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