Is this a date?

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I start to get ready for the dinner with Payton. I put on some casual clothes and a small amount of makeup. This one thought echoed in my head thought.. was this a date or not? I mean. Does he like me. I don't even know if I do. I mean. I think I am starting to catch feelings. But does he feel the same?
Anyways I started to gather my things I needed and got into my car. I drove to chick-fil-a and parked. We were supposed to meet 6.30 but it's 6.35 so I am late. I hope he's fine with it. I started to walk in and saw Payton sitting at this corner couch-ish table. I walked up to him and his face started to shine. He walked up to me and dragged my chair out to sit for me. 'What a gentleman'
"If you don't mind I was thinking we could go to the movies after this?" Payton said
"I'd love that." I replied
"Maybe IT chapter 2?"
"Yes I really wanna se it!
He smiled and took out his phone
"So basically chick-fil-a has this new function. You download the app and order. You pay and write the number of the table your sitting at. And they come with your food!"
"Oh" I said and raised my eyebrows.
We ordered and got the food. We chooses to bring the food because we thought it would be fun to sneak in the food to the movie.

We were now in the movie salon and it was commercial. We started to get our food up out of my bag and the movie started.
Every time something scary happened I flinched and turned against Payton. His arms were now around me and every time something scary happened now I dug my face into his shoulder. I felt safe in his grip. He was warm and he smelled good. Eventually I held his hand that was around me. Basically we were now holding hands..

When the movie was over he didn't let go of me. He kept having me in his grip and I am not complaining. I felt so protected.
Since I left my car at chick-fil-a Payton had to take me home. It was a nice drive
I looked thought the window as Payton said
"What are you thinking about?"
"How I haven't gotten that hug yet.." I said "we actually said that we would meet up for the hug and I really want one" I continued
"You can get one when we have parked so I can drop you of" I nod
We get to my house and we both step out of the car. He goes in for a giant hug and I wanted this moment to last forever. His hug, his look and his smell.. I whispered to his ear. "Can't you stay for an hour or so? My parents is gone for a business trip and my brother is at a soccer trip with his team till next week?"
He got out of the hug.. 'Nonono what did I do. Now he probably thinks I want to get with him or something'
"I'd love to stay" he replies.
I just smiled at him. I couldn't to anything else than smile.
He locked his car and we started walking into my house and up in my room.. we both lauded in my bed for hours just talking and my cheeks honestly hurts from smiling so much. I don't think I have ever been this happy before. Payton looks at the time and realize it's 2 am.
"Shoot! I have to go" then his face turned into a smirk "if I can't stay over tonight?..."

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