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I woke up on Payton's chest and felt eyes on me. I looked up at Payton's face to see his beautiful brown eyes looking down at me.
"Good morning pretty" he said smiling
"Good morning handsome" I replied
I'm so damn happy to have him in my life.
"Whatchu thinking about angel" Payton said
"Oh. I-" then I got an idea "nothin. Really, nothing" I said
"Okay, if you say so" he smiled
I've never really showed him my appreciation to him. So I thought I would. So later that day I booked two tickets to France. I know Payton have always wanted to go to France, and I know he loves Disney world, I have never beeen there, so I'm really excited. I also booked a room in the hotel. This was the PERFECT gift!
"Lets go and get some lunch, on me" Payton smiled.
"Lunch? We haven't eaten breakfast yet?" I said
"Well, it's 12 am, so I guess it's time for lunch"
"Uuuuuuuuuuughhhh" I let out as I got up from the couch.
Then I got a call..

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