Tea sis 2🍵

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Before I saw Payton's eyes widen up...
"Dont turn around" Payton said
"What why?" I said
"It's Michael. He is staring at us. He is staring at me with dead eyes." He replied
"I've had f*cking enough of this. I'm going to contact the police if he continues after this!" I said
"Calm down. Don't act suspicious"
"I just wanna talk to him" I said
Payton just nodded..
I stood up and walked over to michaels table. (Keep in mind there was no other ppl than us, the mall was almost just us and some other people)
When I sat down at Michaels table he looked happy.
"So. What do you want?!" I asked with an attitude
"Why u coming at me with the attitude?" He smirked
"I wanna know why ur following me" I said shortly and serious.
"I'm not following u"
"Then how did you know I was here??"
"I checked ur snapmap before u blocked me" he said quiet
"Ur unbelievable! That literally stalking!"
"I just wanna talk!"
"TALK THEN!" I said
"Okay. I feel like my feelings is getting stronger. And I want to get back together.." he said
"Michael I've f*cking told you. I'm with Payton. Can't you see that?!" I almost screamed
"Yeah, but I thought u wanted to make me jealous.."
"I was the one who broke up with you! I will contact the police if you don't leave me alone!" I said an bursted off the chair in my way to Payton.
Then he grabbed my arm.
"DONT F*CKING TOUCH ME!!!" I screamed and turned around making him let me go. And then it happened. The thing I was trying so hard not to do. I slapped him. I freaking slapped him the f*cking hardest I could. I didn't even care at this point. I wanted to make Shute for him to leave me the f*ck alone.
"ASHOLE!!!!" I screamed.
I almost ran back to Payton into his arms and Sara on hos thighs. I was so scared at this point. I dug my face into his neck. I didn't want to even see my surrounding. Not until I was sure Michael had left. He was such and asshole. But I was still so scared he would punch me back
"Is he gone?" I mumbled in Payton's neck
"Yes princess.. are you okay?" He said
I looked up at him. A tear dropped..
"Don't cry princess" he said with a sad face and wipes away my tear.
"I was just so scared that he would hurt me or you.."
"But he didn't. Ur all good now" he said
"U know what I think we should do?" He continued
I shook my head
"We're done shopping (we REALLY were) so I think we should get some groceries and start with the dinner" he said smiling.

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