Surprise pt2

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Then I got a call..
It was from unknown number. I answered..
"H-hello?" I said
"Hey. Uhm. It's Michael. I-" then I cut him off
"MICHAEL! I've told u to leave me alone. I'm in a happy relationship. Now I'm saying it again. LEAVE ME THE F*CK ALONE!!!" I screamed before I hung up. I'm so damn tired of him not leaving me alone. I've told him multiple times and even begged him. Goddamn..
"That was Michael I guess?" Payton said worried
"Yeah" and then I just started laughing. I guess I just tried to shake it off.
Payton started laughing too..

We decided to go to a pancake place near the park and eat some yummy pancakes.
"I'm paying" Payton said.
"Noooooo Payton" I said
I mean I like that he's being such a gentleman, but I feel so guilty when he pays all the time:/ anyways. I was really feeling like some pancakes. This was the perfect moment to trick him into my surprise.
When we got there we got a table really quick since it was kinda empty. The French music in the background was really cosy (it was a French ish themed cafè)
I ordered Nutella pancakes w strawberries and Payton did the same. When we got our food I started talking about a hotel.
"So Payton, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my grandparents with me?" I said
"Oh, well I would really like too, but shouldn't I like meet ur parents first?" He laughed
"Yeah, well they'll be coming home tonight, so I thought we would cook and talk and u know"
"That sounds great y/n!"
"And for my grandparents, I have booked tickets already" now he won't know we're flying to France! Yess
"Awesome, when?"
"This weekend!"
He just smiled at me. His smile really made my heart want to melt.. my god

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