The shower

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It started getting dark when we started to pack everything away. God. It's been multiple hours already.
When we had packed everything we started walking home since it was a 15 minutes walk.
"So. What are you thinking of princess?" Payton says
"I don't know. I'm just adored by all the starts. I really love stars. And nights when you can see them so clearly" you reply
"Oh I see. Me too" he says.
The rest of the walk was quiet. Not awkward quiet. We just looked at the stars.
When we got back to my house I was dead tired.
"Hey. You wanna stay?" I say
"I never thought you were gonna ask" he replied
"I'm just gonna take a shower" I say
"Can I join you?" He says
"Yeah. But on one condition."
"What? What is it?" Ha said
"Not naked. Bathing suits. Is that clear?" I said
"Sure. Anything for my princess" he smiled.
Goddamn he is cute. I just don't want him to think I'm prude or something. I just. I really like him. Like really. But we've known each other for barely 3 weeks. And I don't wanna move to fast..
"You don't think I'm prude don't you?" I say
"Nooo. Of course not. I get it. We haven't known each other for that long. I don't wanna move to fast either" he smiles
I walk upstairs and change into a bathing suit. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower. After maybe 3 minutes I hear the door open.
The glass doors opens and Payton steps in. I couldn't help but laughing at his pants. There was bananas on them.
"What are you laughing at?" He said
"Oh. N-nothing"

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