School sux

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We were home now and as Payton promised he stayed.
I hopped in the shower bc I felt dirty.
I didn't have the patience to wash my hair so I just cleaned myself quick and dried myself and got dressed. Before I locked myself in the bathroom I managed to snatch one of Payton's clean shirt hehe
"Woah is that my shirt?" Payton smirked at me
"Maaaaaybeeee" I laughed
"Keep it. Looks better in you baby" he blushed a lil
As soon as I got in bed next to Payton I could feel my eyes getting really heavy.
"I'm gonna sleep now" I said
"Kk. I'm not that tired. But at least I have something cute to look at" he said
Goddamn he is so sweet. I wanna spend the rest of my life like this

We woke up the next day and it was time for school. UGH
"Good morning boo" Payton said watching me open my eyes
"Good morning handsome" I blushed
We got up and Payton went downstairs to say good morning to my parents and get his other clothes
I was so tired so I just took my nikes, black leggings and a white oversized shirt that I tucked in under my bra.
"Wow u get even more beautiful every time I see u" Payton said standing in the door
"Awh. And I fall for you even harder every time I even open my eyes" I laughed
Payton also started laughing and we started to head downstairs
"So I was thinking I could buy you some Starbucks for breakfast?"
"Yeasssss thx Payton!" I laughed
"But we do have to pick up Bonnie before we go to school"
"I know" Payton laughed
We said goodbye to my parents and went to the car.
We blasted music in the car until we got to Starbucks.
"You know I changed my mind" I said
"HUH. U don't wanna be my prom date anymore??" Payton said sadly
"NOO. Stop it. I wanna get McDonald's instead. I'm craving cheeseburgers!" I laughed

Payton//The accident Where stories live. Discover now