Prom pt2

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We finally arrived to were prom was and we stepped out of the limo like literal royals. Payton sure did pay a lot for this
When we walked in I immediately saw Michael and his date. I didn't even care enough to be happy for him, but this night was supposed to be awesome. And Payton was going to stay at my place after😉
We went over to the snack table and it was stuffed with chocolate dipped strawberries, punch, candies, pieces of cake on plates, cupcakes, brownies, pizza, sushi and mcdonalds and every snack you could ever imagine
"Wow, I'm not stuffed from dinner anymore" Bonnie and I said
"Me neither" Payton and josh said in the exact same time
We ate a lot of snacks and danced a lot too
Meanwhile I danced a slow dance with Payton he whispered
"I love you so so so much"

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