Halloween party

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I woke up feeling his arm around my waist again. I smiled of the thought of cuddling with him. He was so sweet. And thoughtful. And he is looking at me too.
"Good morning princess" Payton says
"Good morning dream prince" I replied
Payton was just laying there looking into my eyes and stroking his hand trough my hair. He pulled me closer to him so that our noses touched. We payed there for almost half an hour just looking at each other.
"I think it's time for some Starbucks" Payton said
"I mean, I do love Starbucks but we also have pancakes left.." I said
"The Starbucks will be on me. My dear"
I giggled
"Okay! Fine.." I replied "but I am just going to get ready first"
Payton walked downstairs and I got into my bathroom. I got undressed and walked into the shower as I heard the bathroom door open.
"*SCREAM* who the hell is there"
"I'm so sorry!" I didn't know you were going to take a shower" Payton said as he covered his eyes with his hands. Lucky me. The glass door to the shower was blurry so it was not that see-thought. Payton quickly walked out and I started showering.
I got dressed and walked downstairs seeing Payton on the couch in the living room.
"I'm so sorry about that" Payton said blushing. You could really see how embarrassed he was.
"It's ok!" Just knock next time okay?"
"Okay" he said.
*at starbucks*
You chose the *random drink* and the *random* sandwich. Payton chose the same.
"This was really good" he says
"Yeah. I was really hungry haha" we both started laughing for some reason.
"So" Payton started
"So what? I said
"Would you wanna go as my date with my to this Halloween party next weekend?"
I could feel my face shine up
"OFCOURSE I want to..!"
PS! Please write examples of what Payton and y/n could dress as!

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