Family dinner pt2

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"Nice to meet you Payton!" My parents said.
"Y/n never told us she was seeing anyone earlier" they continued
"Yeah, we did it official just like one week ago" I said
"Oh" they said
"Well it was really nice to meet you too" Payton smiled.
"We've made sushi mom" I said
"Oh thank god I'm STARVING" she said
We sat down and Payton got up and got the sushi
"This actually looks really good" my dad said
We ate and had really nice conversations at the table. And they all seemed to like Payton, just that Matt is a little overprotective, but it's fine
"So, how did you meet? Are you guys in the same school?" My mom asked
"No actually I'm homeschooled" Payton laughed
"That time when you sent me grocery shopping when you forgot something to the dinner. I accidentally bumped into him and we started talking" I said smiling
"Aw" my mom said
It was getting late and my family had already got in bed. Payton and I had already done the dishes from the dinner.
"I'm tired" I said
"Me too. But I wanna shower because I smell like fish after all that sushi" he said
"Do you wanna take a shower?" He said
"No. I'm fine" I smiled
"Aaaaaw come oooooon" Payton said
"Okay then. But I won't shower for that long" I said
"Yayyy" Payton said
We got upstairs as quiet as possible since the rest of my family was asleep. We got into my room and into the bathroom.
"I'll start the shower" Payton said
I started getting undressed and when I was done I got into the shower. A couple of minutes after Payton got in too. He then just started hugging me. A really tight hug. Then he let go and grabbed my cheeks softly, and kissed me. His kisses is to die for.
"What was that for?" I asked him
"I know I haven't said it yet but. I really really love you" he said
My heart melt as he said that. Awww
"I love you tooo. Very very very very much" I said
Then he kissed me again, this time it turned into kind of a make out. But after a couple of minutes I let go
"Can we go to sleep now?" I said
"Yes of course" he said
"Okay just one more minute" and then we continued kissing
We got out and started drying ourselves. I got out of the bathroom with a towel on and got dressed in underwear and a large t-shirt. A couple of minutes after that Payton came out in only boxers
I was already in the bed and he just got down next to me under the blanket and started cuddling with me.
"I really love you Payton" I said
"I really love you too y/n. And the thought that you have to go back to school soon hurts" he said with a sad tone
"Unless I go back to school and see you there" he continued
"Yeah, that's a great idea" I said
Then I drifted to sleep smiling..

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