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"Have you packed everything yet?" I said to Payton
"Uuuhhh. Yeah I think so" he said
We were leaving tomorrow morning and I'EXCITED
we were going to get breakfast at McDonald's and than drive to the airport. The plane would arrive in France at 1pm
It's dinner time soon and my parents are making some chicken pasta, yum!
My mom suddenly knocked on the door.
"Come in" I said
"Payton, do u want to eat here?" My mom said
"I'd love to, but my I promised my mom to spend my last dinner in NC at home. But since we have to get to the airport pretty early me and y/n thought I could sleep here, if it's okay" Payton smiled
"Absolutely, I see" my mom said smiling and left my room
30 minutes lates Payton has left and I was still packing some more stuff. My mom yelled so I got downstairs do eat dinner
"Aaaawwwrghhhh YUM pizzaaa" I said when I got downstairs
Homemade pizza is the BEST
We just talked a little random about things at the table
"So. Payton. Is it anything serious or what?" Matt said
"Uh yeah. I guess. I mean we are going to France tomorrow" I said
Matt almost choked on his pizza
"WHAT?" Matt said to my parents
I guess he was getting a bit overprotective at that point, or jealous
"We have already allowed y/n fly there" my dad said
"But what about payton, what if he's a creep or something" Matt said
"I don't think so. Payton seems to be a really sweet and good boy" my mom said
"Besides we were home alone together for almost 3 weeks. Nothing happened" I also said
Matt just made a grumpy face and then started eating his pizza again
45 minutes later Payton arrived
"Heyyyy. I missed you" Payton said
"It's only been like 1,5 hour whattt" I said laughing
"Yeah but I can't live without you" Payton said
I just laughed
We went upstairs to check that we had packed everything

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