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i woke up to payton gone, where did he go?
"payton?" i yelled, no answer
i got up from my bed and walked downstairs, i looked in the kitchen, no payton. i looked in the living room, no payton, where tf did he go?
"payton??" i yelled one more time, still no response
i looked out my window and saw that his car was gone.
"you got to be kidding me" i said and opened my snap map to see where he was.
when i saw his location my heart stopped.
"he's at her house?" i whispered to myself as tears immediately started dripping down my cheeks.
i facetimed bonnie as fast as i could.
"hey bae wha- why are you crying? what happened?" bonnie said worried
"can you just come over so that i can explain?" i said as i was sobbing
"of course love, i'm coming"
and then we hung up
i can't believe he really did that
i went upstairs to change from his shitty shirt into my own comfy clothes, a pair of grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. i put my hair up in a messy bun and walked downstairs to wait for bonnie.
at this point i just never wanted to see him again

bonnie finally shows up and didn't even knock but just stormed in and immediately hugged me.
"what happened hunny" she said as she still held me
i took up my phone and showed her the snap map
"who's that?" she said
"Ava" i quietly said
"i'm sorry if i missed something but who's Ava?" bonnie replies
"his ex. we were talking about exes and on the way he talked about her, she seemed amazing. they broke up about 3 months before we met."
"oh no he did not" bonnie said
she hugged me again
i just couldn't stop crying
"and here i fucking am with a promise ring, and told him i love him" i continued
"come on" bonnie replies
"we're making pancakes and then we're watching harry potter, no discussion"
i just got up and we started making the pancakes. bonnie put on our playlist trying to make me happy, but i couldn't even force a smile. how could i be so dumb to really believe he loved me?

when the pancakes were done we topped them with some nutella, strawberries and raspberries. then we went up to my room and watched harry potter.
after eating my pancakes i fell asleep cuddling to Bonnie, exhausted from all crying.

i woke up to shouting and arguing downstairs and noticed that bonnie was not next to me anymore

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