After prom

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Payton and I slow danced for a long time.
The time was about 1 am and we decided that it was time to go home. Bonnie and I were the only one of us four that had been drinking a little since I secretly sneaked in a little bit of alcohol in my purse. That lead to Payton and Josh having to almost lift us to the limo even though we were barely drunk.
"Here, drink" Payton said when we got into the limo and handed us water. After like 10 minutes I felt almost 100% sober again.
"Prom is already overrr" Payton said
"I know. It's sad right:(" I replied
We ended up cuddling the rest of the ride until the chauffeur dropped me and Payton off at my house while Bonnie and josh kept going
"Bye bonbon!" I said
"Bye luv!" She replied and sent a blow kiss
Since my parents were gone for business and my brother gone again we were all alone.
We got inside and locked the door and immediately went up to get a shower
"Will you shower with me?" I said
"Always love" Payton smirked
We got into the shower and Payton started to massage my shoulders
"I'm so tired" Payton said
"I'm not, I have a lot of energy" I replied
"I guess we'll see about that" he laughed
We just took a quick shower and then got out. When I was done drying myself I took one of Payton's shirts and underwear.
Payton came out from the bathroom with only boxers
"Why are you looking silly!!" He laughed and started tickling me in the bed
Eventually he fell asleep on top of me. This is the greatest feeling ever.

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