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After we had watched the movie we decided to get some lunch.
"I really wanna get some McDonald's" I said
"Ooooh yeaaaah me too." Payton said
We sat up and put on shoes and walked to the car.
On the way it was this kinda awkward silence.
Payton put his hand on my thigh and asked
"What are you thinking about princess?"
"Nothing really. But did you just call me princess?"  I replied
"I guess I did"
"But why?"
"Because you look like one" ha said.
I started blushing sooo much and so did he. He is so sweet.
"You look really nice too" I said.
We got to McDonald's quicker than I thought and the awkwardness stopped as we got in there.
"What do you want?"  He said
"I think I'll have a double cheeseburger menu"
"Yeah. That sounds good. Me too"
We ordered and right as I was about to pay Payton put his card in to the automat.
"Payton.." I said
"You have paid every time we have done something"
"That's because I like to pay for people I care about"
"Awww" I said.
"Pshh. Shut up" he said as he laughed.
"No shut up. You like meee."
Payton blushed and we just waited for the food.
"I'll be right back. I just have to go to the bathroom"
You slowly walked to the bathroom and did what you had to do. As you walked out of the bathroom booth to wash your hands you hear a familiar voice.
"Hey" it said
"Who- What the f*ck" I said
"Nice to see you"
"Not nice to see you" I said as I tried to walk out of the room where the sinks were.
"Not so fast. I saw you and was thinking maybe we could catch up or something" he then said
"No. I don't think we will" I said and tried to push him out of the door.
"What's the hurry"
"I have to get back to who I came here with" I said.
He handed me a paper with a number on it.
"Call me" he said and then smashed me
I could feel my stomach shrink. "What the f*ck did just happen" I could feel the tears shaping in my eyes. I walked as quick as I could to see Payton standing there with two paper bags and how he looked so concerned when he saw me.
"Come on" I said to him as I hurried back to the car.
Payton noticed me quietly crying and after driving a while he said
"Is something wrong? Did something happen?"
"Then why are you crying?"
"I'm not"
"Yes you are"
"Okay fine. I am"
"But why?"
"I just really need a hug"
As I said that. Payton pulled over and unlocked his seatbelt as he leaned over to me" he hugged me really tight.
"So. Do you wanna tell me what happened?"
"Okay fine" I said.
Payton started driving again and I told him what happened.
"So. I was just going to wash my hands when my ex came up to me. My cheating ex.... he said we should catch up and he gave me his number. When I tried to pass he smashed me"
"Ahhhhhhh. What?"
"Mhm..." I said.
"You know what? I think we should get that of your mind and go and get some Halloween costumes. I had totally forgot the party was tomorrow."
"Omg yes we should"
He turned and we drove to the mall.
Hey guys. It would really help me out a lot if you could give me some suggestions to what they could dress as? Couple costumes would be great!!

Payton//The accident Where stories live. Discover now