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I woke up of Payton slightly shaking me.
"Wake up please" he said
"I've been awake for almost 10 minutes and I miss you. WAKE UP" he continued
"Aw. You miss me even when I'm asleep?" I replied
"Of course. I love you" he said
Aww. I love him so much too. Just hearing he loves me to makes me more and more happy every time he says it
"I love you too handsome" I said
"I wanna wear cozy clothes on the plane" I said
"Me too" he said

 Just hearing he loves me to makes me more and more happy every time he says it"I love you too handsome" I said "I wanna wear cozy clothes on the plane" I said"Me too" he said

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I wore this^
"Y/n are you ready to go?" Payton said
"Yes, lemme just say goodbye to my parents" I said
I went downstairs and hugged everyone.
"Don't do anything stupid" Matt said
"No I won't, stop acting like ur my parent" I said
After a couple of minutes saying goodbye dad helped us carry our luggage to the car, and I held my backpack with all the snacks.
"Bye mom, bye dad!" I said when we drove away, and they waved
I have never flied alone before so I was kinda nervous, but Payton has multiple times, to meet his friends and so.
When we arrived to the airport we left our checked our bags in, and then we went to McDonald's and ate breakfast. Then we had to go to our gate.
"Come here" Payton said smiling and hugged me. I think he could tell I was nervous.
We past the metal thingy and then we walked towards our plane.
We soon got on our plane and took our seats. I had a window seat and Payton next to me.
Weird enough the seat that was left was empty the entire flight. We ate snacks and decided to watch tangled until we got there.
"I love you" Payton said
"I know, but I love you more"
"No I love you more"
And then he put his hand on my thigh and kissed me.
We enjoyed the rest of the trip and it was really nice.
I hate landings...
We got off the plane and Payton was really confused when we weren't where he thought we would be
"I wanted to surprise you. I know that you really want to go to France and I really want to visit Disney world. So I bought us tickets for France" I said
Payton started smiling and hugged me.
"You are the sweetest person in the entire world and I love you so much" and then he kissed me. Aw I love him
We started walking towards the bags holding hands when I dropped my air pods and let go off Payton's hand to get down and get them.
Then I heard a girls voice really close
"Hi uhm . Can I get your number?" I heard
I got up again and looked at the girl and said
"He's taken" the girl looked at me with disgust.
"You're with her?" She said
"Yeah" he said proud and grabbed my hand
"And we have to go" I said and we walked off

Payton//The accident Where stories live. Discover now