What are you doing here? Pt2

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Yeah sure..
I couldn't stop thinking about it. Did he say so to get rid of Michael or does he actually like me? I know I'm really starting to catch feeling. But I just don't want to get hurt. I don't want to ruing what's between us now either.. what do I do...
When I snapped back to reality again I saw that Payton wasn't standing next to me anymore. I looked around and saw him walking towards me with two drinks.
" here's the drinks I never got us!" He laughed
I just laughed with him.
The rest of the party went pretty smooth. We danced a lot. Together.
We got a lil drunk but we still managed to order an Uber. When we sat in the Uber it was death silence. You could probably have heard hair falling to the ground.
"We're here now" the lady that drove us politely said.
"Thank you so much. Here's your money" Payton said.
She took the money and we started to walk to my front door.
We got inside and we walked up to my room. It was pretty late so Payton said
"I think I'm gonna take an Uber home now"
"I would like you to stay over" I said
"Why?" He replied
"Because I don't want you all alone when you aren't sober"
"Fiiiiiiiiine" he said.
I walked to my bathroom and changed into a large shirt and just underwear. When I walked out, Payton only had his boxers on. Again.
"Really dude?" I said.
"I wanna get comfy that's all" he said.
I walked to the bed and laid down next to him. After a couple of minutes he out his arm around my waist.
"Payton. What are you doing?" I whispered.
"Payton!" No respond
"PAYTON!" Still no respond.
Argh. I guess he's asleep. Well well. Shit happens.

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