Who's that?

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I looked away from my phone with the biggest smile on my face. 'I can't believe it. What if I didn't bump in to him? I would probably not not have met him. Wow'
*skip to school next day*
I drive to Bonnie to pick her up since her car is getting fixed and it takes 2 hours to walk to school soo..
I pick her up and we start jamming to juice WRLD.
Bonnie starts singing. REALLY. Damn. Loud.
When we got to school I heard the Snapchat sound. 'Payton<3 added you on Snapchat!'
My heart was about to explode. We got to the lockers and my heart skipped a few beats when my phone vibrated again. 'Payton<3 sent you a snap!'
'Oh my holy god!' I thought. Got my things from my locker and then opened my locker as I started walking towards Bonnie's locker.

"Good morning pretty""Who's that??!" I hear Bonnie behind me

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"Good morning pretty"
"Who's that??!" I hear Bonnie behind me.
"Oh. That's just-
"Who did he call pretty?!" She said
"No one. It's nothing" I replied
She rolled her eyes and laughed. And then said with a bratzy voice
"OMG you're such a player!!"
Which my ex did hear. You know. That ex that really wants you back but your not interested AT ALL. But he just doesn't get it.. yeah
"What? Have you moved on?....." He said with a sad and disappointed face..
"Bryan I'm sorry. But we've been through this multiple times. We broke up 1,5 year ago. Please just move on yourself. There's no us anymore.." I replied
He looks down an keeps walking.
"I feel so bad now" I say to Bonnie.
"Don't. You know he cheated on you. He doesn't deserve you.
*time skip to lunch*
We sit down at our usual table and gather our pack up our lunch. I accidentally overhear the girls at the other table talking about tik tok boys. "OMG and did you hear the rumor about Payton Moormeier kinda has a thing for a girl that goes to this school!!" Then another girl at the table says "WHAT?!" And everyone in the cafeteria looks at her. She just shrugs her shoulders and they keep talking.
I guess Bonnie also overheard because all of a sudden she whispers:
"OMG you are the girl?!!"
"I actually don't know. I accidentally bumped into him in the grocery store the other day and he asked for my number. But I didn't think that much of it" I whispered back
"But you know he is kinda famous right?"
"Yeah I've seen his YouTube" I replied
"No I mean. He has like 5 million followers on tik tok!!"
"Really? Oh, I thought he looked familiar" I said.
Then my phone vibrated.

I just realized something!

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I just realized something!

(A picture of my roof)"What?"

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(A picture of my roof)

"You are the cutest thing I've ever seen"I am about to explode

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"You are the cutest thing I've ever seen"
I am about to explode. I swear to god that I was as red as a tomato then. I replied with a chat.
Awww. But I doubt there's anyone cuter than you.
Mmmmm. No. Definitely not! Believe me, I HAVE seen the cutest person on earth. And it is you!😉
I dont know of i wanna cry or hug you..
Payton<3 i actually wish you were here with me now. I really want a hug.
Me too..
Okay, let's see. Meet me at the chick-fil-a and you'll get a hug. I'll also buy you dinner.
Mmmm okay!

Payton//The accident Where stories live. Discover now