Hoping pt 2

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I knocked om her door..
After a few seconds she opened
"Hel-" she said
"Hi.." I said looking down at my feet
"Y/N!" Bonnie screamed when she pulled me into a hug
"Where the f*ck have you been?! I've been trying to reach you for so long!"
"Yeah, I'm so sorry. My entire family has been away for almost 3 weeks because they stayed were mom and dad had their job meeting, so they won't be home until 2 more weeks.. and I kinda met a boy I fell for.."
"WHAT! I'm so happy for youuuu! What's his name?" She said
"Payton" I said
"AWWWWW look at you! You're blushing when you talk abt him!"
I just rolled my eyes and laughed at her.
"HEY! Why don't you bring him to a party I was planning on going to tonight?"
"Uhm, sure. Who's party is it?" I asked
"That rich senior kid, I thinks his name was Josh or something, he's a real douche, but his party's lit AF!" She said.
"Sure, I'll ask him to come, when's it at?"
"Come at 10" she said
We hugged and I drove home, asking Payton if he wanted to come
"So, Payton. There's this senior in our school throwing a party, will you come with me? Bonnie invited us?"
"Anything for you, sounds fun!" He said.

 There's this senior in our school throwing a party, will you come with me? Bonnie invited us?""Anything for you, sounds fun!" He said

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I wore this

Payton wore this

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Payton wore this

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